My Littlest, Who's Not So Little Anymore

I am painfully aware that there are only 2 weeks left of Charlie's preschool years.   It seems hard to believe when he's skipping alongside me each morning, holding my hand so tight, that we are down to the final days of what has been our morning routine for the last three years.  Sometimes I catch a glimpse of him and have to do a double take; that long legged, big boy can't possibly be mine.

I am so grateful for all the one on one time we've had together.  It has gone by far too fast though, and I desperately wish that next year wasn't all day, every day, Kindergarten.  We've already made plans for a weekly lunch date.  I want his hands to stay chubby and small, for his little voice to stay raspy and high pitched, for him to take a "nuffie" (stuffed toy) in the car each morning so that I can give it a funny voice and he can ask it all sorts of ridiculous questions, I want my walls filled with hand print art, and I want him to stay innocent and mine.  I don't want to tell him just how much I'll miss him, because I know he'd worry about me.  I once told him I missed him so much when he was at preschool each day and he looked at me and said I don't miss you when I'm at school because I'm with my friends, but I'm always so happy to see you when it is over.  And that's really how I want it to be for him.

Early this week, while hugging in the kitchen....

Charlie: "Mama what do you love most about me?"
Me: " You want me to pick just one thing?"
Charlie: "Yes, the thing you love most."

Me: "Well, your hugs are the best ever, and your beautiful brown eyes, and the way you laugh so easily all the time, and make friends with everyone, and try so hard to do your best at new things, the way you care about your big brother..."
Charlie: "Mama, stop, that's more than one thing." (giggle, giggle)

Me: "What do you love most about me?"
Charlie: "When you hug me, your skin because it feels soft, and you smell good."
Me: "That's more than one thing too."
Charlie: "I can't pick just one thing."
Me: "Neither can I , little love, neither can I."

(I'm guessing some Mother's Day project at school likely sparked that question, but none the less it was just about the sweetest moment and I wanted to make sure I captured it. )


Mother's Day Tea


Patio + Garden Inspiration | White + Green