Mother's Day Tea

^^ such a relaxed + natural smile! ^^

The very best part of my Mother's Day Tea at Charlie's school was how absolutely, positively, completely overjoyed he was to shower me with love and attention.  They had been working on their gifts and special songs for the last few weeks, he was so proud to share them with me.  He of course thought the whole affair should have been called Mother's Day Punch, because that is what they served as the drink.  He kept asking if I was having "the best day ever?" He pretty much uses that expression whenever he is having fun.  He picked out my blue dot dress (his current favorite color), the night before and asked that I please not go to the gym in the morning so that I wouldn't be all sweaty when I arrived.   He wore his "handsome clothes" and a giant smile that pretty much only disappeared when the camera was on him.  I purposefully didn't snap many photos so I could soak up every minute.  I did manage to video tape their songs on my phone while I was watching them, it gets a little shaky here and there especially when I start clapping.  He is staring right at me and warned me not to cry otherwise he's have to stop singing.  

I wish all of you Mamas, Mamas-To-Be, Grandmas and Great Grandmas a very special day on Sunday.  May you feel extra loved.  And for all of you missing someone on Mother's Day, my heart goes out to you.  I know there was sad news in the blogging community this past week over a mama's tragic loss of her young son and closer to home, a mother in my neighborhood passed away, both such painful reminders that we are all vulnerable to the twists and turns of life.  That we must love as fiercely as we can, as long as we are able.  


Summer Fashion | Maxi Dresses


My Littlest, Who's Not So Little Anymore