Patio + Garden Inspiration | White + Green

Lately we've enjoyed some absolutely gorgeous spring weather and it has me inspired and motivated to give our backyard + patio some much needed attention.  Like the rest of our yard we have lots of trees, which means lots of shade, so my options are a little limited when it comes to planting flowers.  I've conveniently used this excuse for the last seven years.  That, and my lack of a green thumb, both of which have prevented me from doing much of anything back there (except killing a few hanging baskets).

Looking through my exterior pinterest board I noticed a reoccurring theme: white, white, and more white.  Lots of hydrangeas and boxwood. Simple planters over flowing in shades of green and white.  I decided this was going to be my year to get on the horn and make our backyard space a little more lush and inviting.

I plan to add several Annabelle hydrangea plants with a boxwood border on one side of the patio.  And maybe add a couple Limelight hydrangeas along the path leading to the patio. We get a little early morning sun before the shade takes over which seems to be their preferred conditions.

^^Annabelle Hydrangeas^^

^^Hydrangeas with a boxwood border^^

^^Annabelle hydrangeas, boxwood, and urns filled with white flowers^^

In addition to the new plantings, I will add several oversized planters to our patio. I like simple planters and prefer stone or terra-cotta, but I'm not willing to pay over $100 for a pot.  That I will fill with dirt.  I found a few on Home Depot's website that give the right look for a more reasonable price, but I'd like to check them out in person first. Now it's just a matter of deciding on the style.

^^ Classic terra-cotta planters (From one of my all time favorite Cottage Living homes. Sigh.)^^

^^I think these are Restoration Hardware. (Very $$$) I like the look of wood square planters, especially when filled with round boxwood or topiary plants.  Something similar would look great flanking our back door.^^

^^Classic stone urns, probably a bit too formal for our patio, but oh so pretty.  Likely better for the front of a house.^^

^^It would be pretty to add just a bit of blue to the pots.   Or maybe have a pot with just lavender.  I haven't had luck planting lavender.  I think they need more sun.  We always had an abundance in our garden when I was growing up and the smell brings back so many good memories. ^^

^^A round up of some of my faves. From the pricey to the more affordable.^^

^^I'm also going to stock up on some additional seating.  We currently have a black wrought iron table and chairs and I'd like to add a little rattan + bamboo to the mix.  These Ikea chairs are stackable and would be easy to store away when the weather is bad.^^

I'd love to begin this weekend.  I'll be sure to post before and after pics as things start to come together.  Wish me luck.  Hoping I can make some of the plants last through the summer. My track record isn't the best. 

(sources for all images can be found here)

My Littlest, Who's Not So Little Anymore


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