On My Nightstand | What I've Been Reading Lately

I have traded in my evenings perusing blogs in exchange for reading more books.  I don't watch much TV, unless it is Sunday night (Call the Midwife, The Good Wife and Mad Men - It's like I binge watch my TV for the week all in one night!).  I have a nice hefty list of summer reading already in place, starting with this one.  It's a 900+ pager, and a bit different than my normal books of choice, so I'll have to report back, but so far I haven't been able to put in down.

Here's what I thought of the above recent reads...

The Silent Wife - A fast paced, hard to put down book, along the same lines as Gone Girl.  The story is about two, very flawed, people who's relationship is coming to an end. You know from page one that she murders him but you don't know how and there are some twists.  I thought it was well written and recommendation worthy!

Bond Girl - I'd categorize this as mediocre chic-lit.  It wasn't witty enough or funny enough for me.  I like a little fluff reading every once in a while, but I really have to love the central character and I just didn't here.  I finished it though (not aways the case with me) but kept hoping it would get better. I didn't dislike it, it was just a so-so read for me.

The Husband's Secret - I really enjoyed this one.  Not as good As Gone Girl, but well written and fast paced.  You are dying to get to content of the mysterious letter, but I kind of predicted what it would say.  Sometimes that is a real downer but it wasn't the case with this book. Also, recommendation worthy!

This Is Where I leave You - Excellent read. It is told in male, first person, which sometimes isn't my favorite, but I liked it this time.  It's being made into a movie and the casting is BRILLIANT (except for Phillip, not at all how I pictured him).  Jason Bateman will play the lead and I pretty much love every movie he is in.  Family drama, sad and funny all wrapped in one.  Couldn't put it down.

Stories I Only Tell My Friends - Sorry, Rob Lowe, I still think you are a hottie, but should probably stick to acting.  The book is not well written.  I constantly felt like I was reading one of Andrew's papers and wanted to chime in with editing comments.  If the book was juicer, I could overlook the bad writing, but it wasn't.  I think he held back and I respect that since his sons and wife have likely read it, but it took  the drama away from his story. Other friends have really enjoyed it, so maybe I'm being picky.  He has a new book out too.  I will not be reading it.

Eleanor & Park - A sweet, quirky, story of first love between two unlikely characters.   It's young adult fiction. Well written and one that when you finish you are left wishing you knew more of how their life story enfolds.  Recommend too!

So, how about you?  Any must-reads to add to my summer list?!

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