Happy Easter

Happy Easter, friends!  Sorry to have been a bit absent from this blog the last couple weeks.  I was in a bit of a blogging slump.  No real reason in particular, I just didn't feel inspired to write, or even read other blogs for that matter.  I've been blogging long enough to know that sometimes that happens and it's best not to force it when you aren't feeling it.  Anyhow...  I managed to take a few pictures of our Easter celebration today and wanted to share them.

Last week was a doozie and as a result, my Easter planning was on again, off again more than once.  On Tuesday, Andrew broke out in a mild rash that turned out to be Fifth's Disease (a bizarre, but mild respiratory infection that results in a rash).  Always nice to get that call from school that says your child has an unidentifiable rash and needs to be picked up immediately.  Only to be sent right back after the doctor says he is no longer contagious.  Amazingly, it cleared up in a couple days.  Then Thursday evening, Charlie was hit with the worst stomach bug he's ever had.  Thankfully that too cleared up in 24 hours, but it left him (and me) feeling exhausted.  He was still a bit out of sorts today and not quite himself yet.  As a result, I ended up simplifying things quite a bit this year.  We still had my parents over for breakfast but it was just homemade cinnamon rolls, quiche (with a non-homemade crust), bacon, and berries.  With mimosas! Most of the flowers came from the garden (and maybe a few from the nearby park.  Oops. They were picked by my boys and almost at the end of their blooming life so I figured we were ok.)  The weather was spectacular and I was grateful for fever-free, rash-free, tummy-pain-free children! Rejoice!

^^ Easter baskets were very simple this year too: a toy (Lego for both boys), a book, a chocolate chick and a golden egg.  Charlie's also had a plush Olaf.^^

^^I loved their baskets this year! The baskets are from Williams-Sonoma, the large polka dot kraft paper is from Target, the ribbon is from my stash ;).

^^ Lego assembly ^^

^^ I made a little basket full of my sugar cookies for my parents.  I wrapped this up with cellophane too, but only took pics beforehand.  Basket from Michaels, linen dishtowel + bunny card from Everyday Occasions. ^^

^^ The bunny cookies in all their Easter finery, marked each place setting. ^^

^^ Handsome guys ^^

^^ Handsome boy in his aviators with a mouth full of candy. ^^

^^ With my Mum. ^^

(PS. Several asked about my dress...it is from Madewell)

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Sunday Dinner | French Potato Salad + BBQ Baby Back Ribs