And the Winner Is....

Linsey of LLH Designs!

I hope you enjoy your new book!
And while we are on the topic of Linsey, let me tell you a bit about this girl...

There are some bloggers that you know almost the moment you discover their blogs, that you will become friends. Yes, virtual friends that don't grab dinner together or chat on the phone for hours on end, but still genuine friends  It's a crazy connection and anyone whose been blogging for a while will know what I mean.  Linsey is one of those to me.

She writes a beautiful blog about her family, her faith, her stationary business, her life, and occasionally she let's us peek into her gorgeous home.

And while we connect on trivial things like our loves for dark chocolate, red wine and blond highlights, it's the bigger things like our feelings on motherhood, parenting, having a grateful heart,
and striving to live in the moment that have made us friends.

 If you haven't checked out her blog.
Stop on by.
You will leave inspired.

Congrats, Linsey!



House Hunting in Charlotte