House Hunting in Charlotte

No, not me, but if you know someone who is, I have the most perfect & charming cottage for you.
One of my nearest and dearest college friends, Sarah, is selling her home.

Here we are, in what would no doubt be called vintage Benetton and  J. Crew, our freshman year at Indiana (Go Hoosiers!).  Harking back to the days when gold chains, corduroy walking shorts with tights, and hair bows were fashionable (or at least we thought they were).  I finally retired the hair bows by my Sophomore year, thank you very much! :)

And just to ensure we'll remain friends after I post this,
here is Sarah with her beautiful children today...

Sarah moved to Charlotte after she married another fellow IU alum. (Hi, Arnold!)  They just put their home on the market and it's so adorable, preppy & classic, just like Sarah, I had to share it with all of you.  And since I've got a few Southern gals who read this blog, you just never know....

I love the exterior with the red brick peeking through the faded white paint.
I can assure you the landscaping is impeccable too.
 Yummy thick baseboard moldings, pretty windows, beautiful light.
It probably always looks this tidy too.
 Apple green paint with white painted built-ins
and the antique chandelier -- cottage perfection!
They refinished the cabinets, added marble counters and updated appliances when they moved in.
Can you spot the sweet silhouettes above?
We have very similar taste.  Always have!
You should have seen us planning our weddings.
We got married exactly two weeks apart, and discussed EVERY detail together.
(Back in the days before children when we could talk for hours whenever the need arose.)
Our first children (both boys) were born just 48 hours apart.
Ok, I digress.  Back to the house...
See?  All put together just right. And a gorgeous backyard to boot!
Now go call your Southern friends!
Here is a link to the listing and virtual tour if you are interested...

And the Winner Is....


The Good Stuff