
It's raining here. LOTS and LOTS of rain. Spring still feels very far away. On the drive back from C's gym class today, while he happily munched on animal crackers in the back seat and pointed out the occasional garbage truck, school bus, or construction vehicle, I watched the rain trickle down and I started to daydream....

My mind always wanders.  It is in such conflict with my type A tendencies, and often stifles my productivity, makes me forgetful, absentminded, all of that...

Today it was a familiar daydream, the one of my ideal job...the one I will have when my boys are grown and out of school. When I'm quite certain we will have moved back to the east coast, live in a small New England town. Where I can take long walks on the beach and ride my bike to the little shop I will own.

I imagine it being filled with charming English antiques, the sort of furnishings and art you'd find in a country home, just like the illustrations of Wind in the Willows or the original Beatrix Potter books.  I will also have a small collection of beautiful fabrics, pretty wall paper, and shelves lined with big glass jars filled with wooden spools of gorgeous ribbon.

 Outside I will have a few galvanized buckets with fresh flowers for sale -- sweet peas and peonies in the spring, fresh ever greens and branches of berries in the winter.  There will be green and white checked curtains hanging in the windows.  I imagine my golden retriever happily lounging on the front stoop, greeting occasional customers.  I also imagine having a kitchen in the back with a very long farmhouse table and once a week teaching a cooking class for a few women using the fresh veggies and herbs I will grow in the small courtyard out back.

 I imagine making annual trips to England to buy new pieces for the shop, and traveling to Provence to be inspired with new recipe ideas.

I imagine keeping odd hours and taking many vacations to visit my boys and their families.  No, wait, scratch that, my boys will live IN town not far away!  But I'll still keep odd hours.  I have the perfect name picked out too.  I can completely picture the inside, the way the store will look, smell, how people will feel when they visit, how I will wrap their packages.  (Sorry, I'm keeping the name a secret).

I don't imagine making much money in this venture.  Just sharing all the things I love with others.  It will give me something to do while Jimmy spends long hours at the golf course.

Ahh, to dream.  Rainy days, they do it to me every time.  Thanks for coming along with me today.
So, what about you?  What do you daydream about? 


Potential Acquisitions


And the Winner Is....