Vintage Parcels and Other Cuteness

I came across this adorable idea here from this online Aussie magazine.
We ship a number of gifts to children.
I would love to have filled the UPS boxes with gifts wrapped like old parcels from the post office.
All the sources are listed in the current issue of LMNOP, click here to download.

Another idea that I did use are these labels free to download from Jones Design Company
Not only do all the gifts don her tags, 
but a number contain handmade items made by me via her tutorials. Thanks, Emily!
And one more gift topper that I'm off to make in a second
are these darling little book page flowers via Holly's blog.
Off to get my crafty on...

I'm going gaga over these little book page flowers! 
So stinkin' cute! 
I made one Holly's way and another using Emily's technique for fabric flowers. 
 Both equally easy and cute.  Here, see for yourself...
So thankful for all you creative bloggers out there who are willing to share your ideas!!

A Pre-Christmas Tradition


Are You Ready?