A Pre-Christmas Tradition

It's no secret I like old things --
old houses, old furniture, old linens, old art, old books...and the list goes on... Our home is filled with them.  I often love the memory of searching for and finding them as much as I enjoy the thing itself.

 Each year, before Christmas I have a date with Andrew to search for a new (old) thing to add to his collection. 
When Andrew was very little he fell in love with soldiers, then nutcrackers and at the first mention he received three that Christmas.  They were beautiful and grand.  His collection has grown and currently fills his window seat in his bedroom at Christmas time.  About three years ago, I wanted to make it more special.  I suggested we start a new tradition. A day of scouring local antique stores and malls to find a new (old) nutcracker.  Last year we went to about 4 different places before we found him.  This year we spent the afternoon at a massive antique mall.  Amidst loads of vintage and kitch Christmas goodies we spotted this treasure.  Hand painted, with a turquoise top hat.  He's gorgeous.   I love that no one else will have one like him; that he can't be found at the local Target.  I love the memory we make each year while we search, while we haggle the price, while we weigh the merits of each nutcracker before we make our final selection.  I love that at age 8, you appreciate "old things" just like your Mama. 

Thank you , Andrew for such a wonderful Thursday afternoon. I think this is your best find yet!

And just so I don't forget...you made my heart melt a few days ago.  You worked so diligently to shovel our steep driveway in an effort to earn money to buy Charlie's Christmas gift.  I glanced out once and saw you sitting with your hands clasped and your mouth moving.  I asked after if you had been praying.  Your shyly said yes (I assumed for strength to finish the job).  I asked if you would share what you were praying about.  You said, again quite shyly, "that God would help me find the perfect gift for Charlie."  I asked you why? You replied, "because I love him and want to make him happy, why else?"  Yes, that is what it's all about.  He will adore the set of firetruck Matchbox cars you chose but not nearly as much as he adores you. And when I pray, it's that 2011 will bring more moments like this...true, uncomplicated, unconditional love...and that I will stop long enough to enjoy them. XOXOX 

Best Brunch Recipe


Vintage Parcels and Other Cuteness