Are You Ready?

Christmas Eve is just 5 short days away...
I spent the weekend finishing up my shopping.
And my Saturday night wrapping (for 3 hours).

For someone who typically rushes like mad to have all her shopping done by Thanksgiving,
the sheer fact that I braved the mall the Saturday before Christmas
and lived to tell about it, is hard to believe.
But you know what's even more disconcerting?
I didn't mind it. 
In fact, it was LESS stressful than trying to get it all done early. 
And I think I was more organized and spent less.
I also made a couple unexpected discoveries on my shopping excursion...
First, I want to move into the Vera Bradley store.
I'm not talking about the bags either, it's the decor.
Have you ever been in one?
Oh, so adorable & happy.
And second, Anthropologie had the cutest, and I mean CUTEST, ornaments this year.
Each year the boys pick out an ornament for their Godparents and the ones this year are by far my favorite.
(Sarah & Mindy - you are going to love them!!)
The rest of the weekend consisted of A LOT of snow play, fort building, and a date with Dad for Andrew
(hence my Saturday night gift wrap extravaganza.)

We had my father-in-law over for dinner tonight.
I made this side dish.  It is soooooo good.
 I mean close-your-eyes-when-you-take-a-bite good.
If you like butternut squash, and you have yet to make Ina's mashed version, you must make it. And soon.

Butternut squash always makes me think of New England. 
 It wasn't something I ate growing up, but after living in Boston, it became one of my favorite comfort foods.

Sorry, rambling...Really this post is about nothing in particular. 
Just an excuse to add a few more beautiful Christmas pictures to the blog before the week is done.
But since I hear giggles coming from the other room that I'd like to partake in,
and I just started an EXCELLENT book that is calling
my name on a big comfy chair with a cozy blanket... 
I'm going to sign off.
pictures 1, 3 here, picture 2 unknown, picture 4 traditional home,  picture 5 unkown, pictures 6-8 here

Vintage Parcels and Other Cuteness


Snowmen from Charlotte, Concerts & Sledding