Snowmen from Charlotte, Concerts & Sledding

Is it just me, or is the week before Christmas vacation pure madness? 
Here's what's been happening since Monday...

The annual Christmas concert at school...
(what's up with the saucy face??)

Without fail, every year, on this night I find myself wishing I had a little girl. 
 To put in a red corduroy dress.

I've been busy making my "Charlotte Snowman Pops" for Andrew's class party on Friday. 
I call them that because I learned to make them from my dear college friend, Sarah, who lives in Charlotte.
Charlie got to sample one while I assembled the rest and when he came back in the dining room all covered in white (hair, eyes, cheeks, hands, arms) I assumed it was marshmallow till I got a whiff of him,
it wasn't, he'd somehow found a tube of diaper cream. 
I'm telling you, age 2, while adorable, it can wear me out!

They are easy & fun to make.
(Skewer three marshmallows on a long lollipop stick.  Coat them in melted white chocolate - the kind you buy at craft stores and melt in the microwave, let them dry. 
Paint on their features with more melted chocolate in a zip lock bag. 
One tip for coating them -After melting the white chocolate, pour it into an aluminum, disposable mini loaf pan and cut a deep V in the back to roll the stick in.

I've also been trying to make a simpler version of these paper trees (ala Martha) for Andrew's party craft. Let's just say mine don't look anything like this,
but I'm snowed in and already have the supplies,
so we will just need to make it work for tomorrow. 
Why, oh why, do I continually volunteer for the party craft?! 
Speaking of snowed in...

We have our first snowday today.
Popcorn, movies, fire, sledding, wet clothes, wet floors, pumpkin bread, and dancing --
and that was all before 1:00 PM.  

We happen to have the best front yard for sledding. 
As a result, we've had a steady stream on neighborhood kids since 10:00 this morning. 
But the snow was a bit too deep for my littlest guy.
After the 30 minutes it took us to get suited up, looking like Ralphie's brother from A Christmas story,
we still only managed about 5 minutes outside before the cold snow hurt his little fingers. 
So, Charlie kept tabs on the older boys from inside.

Where he happily made a mess after helping to make the pumpkin bread.
 And just in case you ever wondered...
if you happen to mix all your ingredients together
and things don't look quite right,
 and you notice an unopened can of pumpkin that was never added
and you have to throw it in at the end... well, guess what?? 
It'll turn out just fine!
Hope you are staying warm!

Are You Ready?


Christmas House Tour