A New Chapter | A New Look

I was going to wait until I had all my ducks in a row before rolling out any blog changes and offerings.  That would be the proper way to do it, but instead I'm taking you along for the journey...

Little by little, I plan to make a few changes to this space.  Starting with the new header and look of the blog.  I was over due for a change, but had zero knowledge of how to do it myself.  I looked into some other pre-made options like I've used in the past, as well as paying someone to custom design the blog.  I worked in marketing/brand management for 12 years and brand identity work was my favorite, so the thought of getting to do it for my "brand" would be just incredible however, the cost to do it well is high and I need things like new slipcovers and bathroom tile, so that sort of thing will have to wait.  In the meantime, I learned just enough these past few days to make some changes on my own.  I'm happy with how it turned out.  The header/logo above is version 22.  I got a bit addicted to the process and went logo crazy.  My poor boys, I kept showing them different versions and they weren't even sure what I had changed.  Want to see some of the earlier options?

Interesting, isn't it?  How small adjustments to fonts, the addition of a line, color change, addition of a border, all make such a big difference.  I still really like the first logo with the ampersand, hmmm, who knows, maybe I'll still tweak it.  Like I said, I'm taking you along for the ride  For those interested, I used Pixlr.com to create the header.

The other BIG change is that I'll be offering design consults now.  You can click on the tab above for more information.  My hope is to do one style/design post each week.  I'd gotten away from that a bit when pinterest came along and I'd like to bring it back.  I have thought long and hard about starting a small business.  This will be my test run.  I will give it a year or so and then re-evaluate.  I absolutely love the process of creating a home.  I also thoroughly enjoy helping friends, neighbors, and the occasional blog reader too.  I daydream about fabric combinations and light fixtures and cozy room designs.  It is for all these reasons and more that I've decided to start offering consults. My only hesitancy is time.  I now have more to give with both boys in school, but any decorating work will still be very part time.  I will only take on projects where I feel I can truly be of help and clients that share a love of a similar design aesthetic.  You can read more about my style and what inspires me here.  I will not be offering full service design.  I can provide guidance and custom design plans for a space but the shopping and implementation will still be up to you.   Please email me at nineandsixteen@gmail.com if you would like more information.  Thanks!!


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