Date Night Attire

I am happily tired after a busy weekend that included celebrating a girlfriend's 40th birthday {she barely looks over 30}, a swim meet, planning and coaching a Destination Imagination team meeting for Andrew's team, a little Super Bowl watching, and a date with Jimmy. A very much needed date with Jimmy.  I always know when it's long over due because we start to get a bit snippy with each other about little {insignificant} things.  We don't really argue much, he is very laid back and usually let's me have my moments when I'm all bent out of shape about something.  But lately he's had to do quite a bit of traveling for work and when he's gone like that it sometimes takes a few days to get back into the fold of the household.  More for me than him.  I get so used to doing it all myself and running a pretty tight ship, so transitioning back to a family of four sometimes takes a little effort. Questions like, what time does Andrew get out of school or where do I store the grill pan drive me nuts when they should make me grateful - I have a husband who wants to handle school pick up and do dishes when he is home.  But it's amazing what a night out together {without interrupted conversations, laundry baskets awaiting folding, or one of us falling asleep while the other tucks in the kiddos} will do and how quickly our perspective changes.  A little reminder that I am indeed lucky to be in love with my best friend.

Going out is definitely more fun when you feel pretty, and it is much easier to feel pretty {for me, at least} when I am wearing something new. {why is that?}  Here are a few favorite recent-ish {December is recent, right?} purchases that make getting ready to go out a little more fun...

a word of caution regarding the mini, it does run short and tight


valentines for school


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