Inspiring Readers

This week is dragging a bit for me.  Lots of homework + tests. For Andrew, not me, but as any parent of a third grader knows, when they've got homework, you've got it too...  We have after school dentist and doctor appointments...  Weird spring like weather in the dead of winter....  I have been on an organizing mission and stepping up my housekeeping skills {not hard to do since they were lacking} since the start of the new year....  Till this week...  Now I'm pooped...  So much for that. Anyway, before I climb into bed with what is likely my 5th cup of tea for the day, I wanted to share a couple stories about two blog friends....

I do not do a blog roll, but if I did a "Reader Roll" these two lovely ladies would be at the top.  I'm always grateful to receive kind comments and emails from readers.  But now and then, I'll get the most heartfelt email and it will blow me away, completely make my day, and give me all the gusto to keep on blogging.  Occasionally, they are from women that don't have blogs of their own, so I don't "know" them they way the "know" me. Over Christmas, I got the chance to know a couple such readers better when they shared pictures of their homes.  I was so inspired + impressed that it is high time I shared them with you too....

First is Kelly {"from Georgia" which is how her comments read}.  Take a look....

Looks like a magazine, right?  Well, that's because it is!!  She doesn't have a blog YET, but her home was featured in the Christmas issue of Cottages a& Bungalows.  So pretty. So much to love.  She doesn't know this, but when I was out Christmas shopping I grabbed a stash of shelter mags to peruse while I drank coffee and this home {HER home} brought my page flipping to a halt. I actual bought the issue just to tear the above image out for my files. It wasn't until a couple weeks later that I found out the Kelly in the mag was the Kelly that reads my blog.  Unbelievable.  Crazy.  She needs to hurry up with her blog.  Until then, more of her home can be seen right here...{click link}

Second, Michelle, another reader whose very kind words have made my day on more than one occasion. Michelle has just started her own blog and shared a couple peeks into her gorgeous home...

This is the dining room that she is REDOING!!  Yes, how pretty is it to start?!! And her sitting room below...

It's so fun to see how she has such similar taste to mine!  Very traditional, loves antiques, blue + white, books, etc.  She has two adorable children and she writes well.  All the makings of a fabulous blog. I can't wait for her to share more.  Please check her out here... A Haus to Call Home

So thank you. To Kelly and Michelle for letting me share a little of your lovely homes on my blog. And to all of you that stop by here. I've always wanted my blog to feel like I was sharing a bit of my life with you, but when you share a little of your lives with me it's even better.  Blogging friendships are definitely real and you are all such a supportive bunch!!!  xo, Tessa

Date Night Attire


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