A New Milestone...

My baby started preschool today...
He was so proud to put his backpack on this morning, 20 minutes before it was time to leave.
He kept asking Andrew if he was ready for school.
He has spent every day with me since he was born.
On one hand I'm not really ready to share him, but on the other
I'm so excited for him and this big new step in his little life.
I pray that school is a happy place for him,
that he finds kind playmates,
and gets plenty of hugs from his teachers.

Selfishly, I can't wait for my kitchen walls to fill up with preschool art again.
No art makes me quite as happy as preschool art.

My little Charlie, you are so sweet!
I'll miss you for the few hours a week you are away,
but don't worry, we'll still have plenty of fun together too!
And if you ever wake up and it happens to be a school day 
and you decide you'd rather spend the morning
in your jammies and cuddle with me,
well, shhh, don't tell your teachers, 
but I'll be more than happy to oblige.


Cozy, Cosy


Hello, September! (Plus Vote for Holly)