Hello, September! (Plus Vote for Holly)

I know fall hasn't officially arrived
but it's so close I can taste it!
(or maybe that's the pumpkin bread + muffins I made a couple weeks ago)
The trees are just beginning to show signs of yellow,
we've had a few cool mornings and evenings requiring
a cardigan and the chance to sleep with the windows open.

I'm in the mood to eat butternut squash, have friends over for dinner, serve warm apple pie,
and drink red wine around our little outside fire with a blanket tossed over my legs.
I'm ready to throw away my worn out flip flops, pack away the swimsuits,
go on hikes, plan picnics, drink soup, wear boots,
and enjoy my favorite time of year. (I can hear you saying "amen",  Tara! :))

So, while I dream about pumpkin spice lattes,
curling up with a good book + taking a nap on a chilly day,
a season filled with my favorite colors,
a time of year that is all about cozy, 
I will remain in denial that we had temps in the 90s today.
Fall, you are so very, very near.
Just pick up he pace a little bitty bit, okay?

PS. My friend and favorite blogger, Holly Mathis, has been nominated
for The Country Living Magazine Blue Ribbon Blogger award.

I believe they are "looking for bloggers with heart and soul and impeccable taste."
Ummm, yeah, that about sums her up, don't ya think?!
Here is the link to vote for her.
I can't think of someone more deserving of this honor!!
It makes me so happy when good things happen to good people!!

images via

A New Milestone...


Tuesday Ramblings...