Let 'Em Eat Cake

My Andrew turned 9 yesterday!!
There will be no mushy, mushy Mama love letter on the blog either.
I saved that for the handwritten letter I wrote him on the eve of his birthday.
A tradition I began when he turned one. 
Once written, the letters are sealed and dated.  
Then stashed away for someday when he is all grown up. {sniff}
My letter to Andrew this year was a whopping 7 pages 
and I thought I captured everything I wanted to capture.  
But as we were walking back home from the village barber shop this morning 
(both boys with nice fresh, long overdue, haircuts), we were crossing the street 
and I had Charlie on my left, one hand holding mine and one hand with his lollipop, 
and Andrew was on my right holding my other hand.  
Once we hit the sidewalk, Andrew pulled my hand up and gave it a quick kiss 
while it was still entwined with his and thanked me for a nice birthday yesterday.  
That he still holds my hand AND that he still gives it a kiss (on occasion), 
well I'm afraid I left that out of the letter and now wish I hadn't.  
So it's on the blog for safe keeping.  
Those moments make my heart smile....

We've got a party with his friends planned for Friday.  
Hoping this unexpected arrival of gorgeous weather sticks around till then.

{it is seriously hard work blowing out 9 candles}
{my children ate this for breakfast, more than one snack, and dessert today}

PS. I am waaaaaaaaaaay behind in blogging, as in 1000+ posts unread, 
I genuinely appreciate your comments and I'm sorry I've been MIA on your blogs lately.  
Once fall hits I'll be back in business!


An Outdoor Movie Par-tay


Bits-n-Pieces of Our Weekend