Bits-n-Pieces of Our Weekend

Here's a few random snip-its of our weekend...

My house smells like an English garden thanks to a couple of
big bunches of lavender from Trader Joe's ($3!!!).
I love that store.
I want lavender in my garden too.

I laughed myself silly with my dearest friend, Mindy 
on Friday night watching this movie.
Be warned, its a bit crude with a lot of dirty language and 
a ridiculous plot, but the acting is great.  My tummy hurt from laughing so hard.

Andrew and I sat toe to toe reading on the couch while it was raining and C was napping.  
Andrew discovered Harry Potter last week.  Of course he "knew" about Harry 
but he's now the perfect age to "read" Harry.  He is hooked and so am I.  
He's finishing up the second book and I just finished up the first today.
So glad I waited to read this series till he was old enough to join me!
SOOOO fun to read and discuss together.  LOVE.  (I thought of you, Katie!)

I was all a flutter in my kitchen making baked tomatoes (from the farmer's market.  yay!  they were in.) topped with golden crumbles of Parmesan, fresh oregano and a drizzle of olive oil.

And chicken marsala with mashed potatoes.  Yum! Yum!
(Thanks, Tara for pinning the recipe!  You were so right.)

And we also had a number of these sessions.  Reason no. 7,892 why I love Jimmy so...
(sorry jimmy, you might not be too thrilled i posted this, but I want to remember. xoxox)

I love how Charlie can't stop looking at his reflection in the dishwasher and oven.
(All that kitchen dancing had me thinking of you, Linsey!) to read some more.   Hope you squeezed a jam session or two in your kitchen this weekend!!
I've got a busy week.  Won't be blogging much, but I'll be back....

Let 'Em Eat Cake


Baked Creamy Chicken & Cilantro Taquitos