Ice Cream for Foodies

I feel a little greedy having kept this discovery to myself for as long as I have.
My sincere apology.

About a year ago, thanks to a neighbor, I discovered jeni's.
It is the best ice cream I've ever eaten. Period.  
Not sure I can even think of anything that comes close.
It is made in Columbus, Ohio and can be found in 
a number of specialty stores and they will ship nationwide from their website.
(Found at Whole Foods in Cincinnati)
It's all natural. From grass fed cows. 
With unbelievable flavor combinations 
like sweet corn + black raspberries or goat cheese + red cherries.

My favorite though, is the Salty Carmel. TO DIE FOR.  
Your mouth will do a little happy dance with each bite.

Initial notes of burnt sugar give way to mouth-watering saltiness. A perfect salty/sweet balance

I topped some on a homemade brownie tonight and was quite certain 
it ranks up there with the best things I've ever eaten.  

You scream, I scream,
now go get yourself some Ice Cream

website here

First Day of School!!


Window Treatments, Take Two....