First Day of School!!

You know it is the first day of school when:
1. you wake up + shower + dress before the kiddos even make a peep
2. lunch has been pre-packed the night before
3. you make smoothies to go along with homemade muffins for breakfast
4. everyone in our entire village walks their children to school
5. you write love notes to put in lunch boxes.
6. you happily indudge unusual dinner requests
7. you plan trips to bakeries for after school snacks

Soon enough I'll be sleeping in till the last possible minute...
throwing together lunches and breakfasts in a mad dash...
and passing off my jammies as workout wear...

As for the recap of Andrew's day?
in this order..
"i had a great day"
"i know what I want for Xmas"
"i hate spanish, the teacher talks too fast and i can't follow"
"my teacher put a lego table in our class room"
"we watched a movie during lunch"
"oh and i liked the note in my lunch box too. thanks"

Here's to 3rd grade!

Painting Our House Chronicles


Ice Cream for Foodies