Summer in Snapshots: Week 1

I'm not much of a linky party girl, but when I read about Starfish's Summer in Snapshots,
I loved it and wanted to play too.   Despite well intended efforts and plenty of
schlepping around town with my 1000 pound camera,
I did not manage to get very good shots this week, must have been all the gray weather!!
Oh well,  better luck next time! :)

Here is a glimpse of last week...

Raft Day at the pool + Walk in to town for ice cream

Mr. Popper's Penguins + Out to lunch + Rain + Rain + Rain

Father's Day + Bike trail for Daddy and Andrew + Cinnamon Rolls + Baseball in the driveway + 
Salmon with Avocado, Lime and Chive Salsa 

Donuts for breakfast + Trip to the Aquarium (a BLAST) + Thunder + Lightening + More RAIN

Charlie removed his clothing and diaper during Andrew's swim practice and watered the bushes next to the baby pool  + Trip to the park on our bikes + Afternoon thunderstorms + Canceled swim meet 

Thanks so much for looking!

On the docket for next week...
Splash Park + Make Ice Cream + Swim Meets + Gym Class + Catch Fireflies + Pool Time

Curb Appeal


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