Curb Appeal

The time has come to say goodbye to our slightly drab exterior.
Maybe I'm being a bit dramatic because I do like it the way it is, 
but I don't love it and you really should LOVE your exterior. No?
So, come the end of summer we are slapping a whole lotta paint up on our house --
the brick, the siding, the windows, trim, gutters, shutters. ALL. OF. IT.
Surprisingly, I kinda/sorta (that sounds very convincing, I know!)
already know what I want. Shocker!
To be honest, I found a home in our neighborhood that I liked,
knocked on the door and asked if I could borrow their paint colors.
Oh yes I did!
They happen to be friends and I knew they were about to make a color change
so I didn't feel too bad about being a copycat.
Gathering inspiration and pondering color schemes was fun.
Here are some favorites from Pinterest and my files.
(yes, I'm officially completely addicted to that website!  SOS!!)

White Paint + White Washed Brick + Black Shutters
So classic and would work beautifully on our home if our roof was back or dark gray.
It is not.

Source: None via Tessa on Pinterest

Blue Gray + White + Black Shutters
I have always loved this combination, but it's not right for our home.
I like it better on a Cape too.

Source: via Tessa on Pinterest

Yellow + White
If I had chosen colors 2 years ago, these would have been the ones.
But a crisp white trim isn't right for us either.
It doesn't flow with the interior which is all bone white walls
and gray trim and a yellow house NEEDS crisp white trim!

Or we could skip paint all together and just grow ivy and vines up our home.
(cue my parents cringing and shaking their heads no.  
we had it growing up and while beautiful, it's a big headache.)

In the end we chose a rather neutral palette.
Dark Taupey Gray + Ivory

Source: via Tessa on Pinterest



No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problems....


Summer in Snapshots: Week 1