In Honor of Earth Day

Do you know that tomorrow is Earth Day? 
 I bet if you have a school age child in your house you do. 
I've heard about it every day for the last two weeks. 
So while some mothers will use the day to teach
 their children about caring for our planet, recycling ,
 using sustainable products, eating organic. 
Others might encourage wild animal play in mounds of STYROFOAM peanuts. 
A million and one things seemed so wrong with this
on the day before Earth Day! 
Though technically, I could argue I was "recycling" packaging materials into toys. 

Alexandra, I blame this all on you...
Curious what required so many peanuts?
I'll show you next week.
this took 10x longer to clean up than it did to play in,
with far less enthusiasm from the savages.
Happy Earth Day to you tomorrow!



Master Bedroom Musings...