
I hope your Easter was lovely!
Here are a few (ok, maybe more than a few) pictures of ours.
It was a small Easter this year, with the cousins away.
The day began early in our home...
(please excuse the harsh flash, I didn't have time to grab the right one)
Hunting high and low for hidden eggs in their PJs.
No there weren't any in the hall closet.
I hid the eggs so late the night before, I couldn't remember where I put half of them.
I think a few are still waiting to be found.  Whoops.

Playing with and eating the little treasures inside.
It was dark and rainy outside, so all the action stayed in.
I had no idea bubbles would leave spots all over my rug, but they did!

Gorilla shaped lollipop and a shiny new whistle - life is good!
(I was a big fan of these pretty all natural lollipops ordered from here)

Later in the day we packed up and headed to my parents for a late brunch.
(I know, I know, time to remove the paci.  Soon.  Maybe.)

The weather was grim.

But just look at the loveliness inside that my Mum created.

Spinach strata - my favorite, roasted tomatoes with basil, hashbrown potatoes, ham, pumpkin bread, chocolate muffins,  black & white angel food cake, and fresh fruit.
Yum, right?

There was lots of hugging.

Maybe a little food induced coma for the hubs too...
I actually snuck up to the guest room (my old room) and caught a 30 minute cat nap myself -
I think my giant mimosa knocked me out.
Now, any mother of little peeps knows what a luxury that is! (the nap AND the mimosa, that is)

For a brief hour or so the rain stopped and the boys could play outside.
Charlie wasted no time discovering new lawn equipment.
Any hopes I had of a family picture in Easter attire were dashed after I saw Charlie in his post nap get-up: Lego T from his Easter basket, jammie pants, and boots. 
No way was he taking off his new Lego shirt b/c it was just like brother's.
And if there is one person in the world this little guy idolizes it is his big brother!
(and maybe the lawn care workers too)

 Finally I have to show you this tree...

22 years ago, when Jimmy and I were in high school, he gave my parents a tiny little
seedling, no bigger that 12 inches.  My parents planted it in the corner of their front yard.
I doubt anyone expected it to survive.
I doubt anyone expected I'd marry the boy I was dating when I was 16 either.
I love seeing this tree grow from year to year.
A little like the story of our relationship.

Tonight I nestled C in bed and as I was stroking his hair and cheek, I quietly whispered
what a fun day it has been, and all the things we saw and did. 
When I was finished he said,
"Mama, I saw bunny.  I saw bunny. I saw BUNNY"
By George, I think he finally figured out it wasn't an Easter "Mouse"

So, however you celebrate Easter..
whether it is praising the wonder, sacrifice,
and promise of an everloving God,
or the birth of Spring,
the renewal of beauty and life after the dead of winter,
I pray it leaves you with peace & contentment in
the corners of your heart!



Au Revoir


In Honor of Earth Day