Fresh Inspiration

Hi all! 
I'm just going to be up front and put it right out there - I'm in a bit of a blogging funk!
After spending almost three weeks trapped in my
home with two sick little boys,
I find myself DRAGGING for inspiration. 
We haven't done anything or been anywhere that is worthy of a post. 
Even day to day life hasn't been much to talk about either. 
Sorry, not meaning to bring anyone down.
I've had little to no adult contact and haven't felt much like reading blogs either.
Does this ever happen to you?? 
The highlights of my life the last couple weeks were
seeing new episodes of "The Good Wife" (BEST SHOW ON TV),
reading a new Southern Living cover to cover
 (Thought of you, Katie, with the article on Savannah)
and finally trying Ina's baked fontina
(Here is the link.  If you make it, cut the olive oil
 in half and ease up on the salt, otherwise YUM). 
But mostly I was sacked up on the
couch nursing my little ones back to health. 
The world just kind of stopped for
a bit and now it's slowly starting to turn again. 
The things I usually blog about seemed trivial and unimportant.
Amazing how quickly that happens when
the ones you love aren't feeling up to snuff.
Today while I had chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven
and Charlie was down for a nap, I started perusing my familiar online haunts and
came across this amazing colonial farmhouse in New Hampshire.
 The pictures went straight into my inspiration folder. (i.e. my blog :))
Just take a look at those floors.
Yes, still trivial in the grand scheme of things, but fun to look at
when you feel like it!  

Bedford, NH Farmhouse Kitchen traditional kitchen

Bedford, NH Farmhouse Kitchen traditional family room

Bedford, NH Farmhouse Kitchen traditional kitchen

Kids Bedrooms traditional kids
Kids Bedrooms traditional kids
(farmhouse pictures from Houzz)

Our Weekend


A Pretty Spring Table