Wanna be Neighbors?

Continuing my recent trend of MLS stalking (we aren't house hunting I promise!!),
I'm posting a beauty for sale a few streets over.
Charm, charm, charm!!! 

This picture was taken on the gloomiest of gloomy days, 
 it is even prettier when the trees are full and the sun is shining

The original family room, now used as a living room/music room. 
Love the sconces and the wood walls, fabulous windows and hardwood floors too.

The new family room/great room that was added by the current owners.
Big but still cozy.

A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E kitchen. My favorite part of the house.

The backsplash tile to the ceiling, the range hood, the sink, the cabinet color - perfect.

And a wonderful outside area for entertaining. 
We tend to have small backyards in our village,
especially homes with large additions, so this is as good as it gets.

Here's a link to the listing if you want to see more.
And no, I'm not thinking of going into real estate, but I do love peaking in "real" homes.
Hope you do too! What am I saying, of course you do!!! :)

Enjoy your weekend!

A Pretty Spring Table


Catching Up