Catching Up

I'm here... Barely.
Our house was hit with a stomach bug, the flu, AND pneumonia all at once.
I swear we are diligent hand washers!
High fevers, stripping and disinfecting beds at 2:00 AM, worry, Popsicles, dry toast, thermometers, logging hours and HOURS watching PBS Sprout and Nick Jr. and attending to masses of laundry --  that pretty much sums up our daily activities around here for the last week. 
We had a relatively healthy winter and seemed to dodge
every serious virus that spread like wildfire through the elementary school. 
We've certainly made up for it this week.
I'd like to say that life is back to normal, but my little loves are still on the mend. 

Sleep deprivation and confinement to the home for extended periods of time has got me thinking...

1. I have the most generous mother in the world.
This week could have been a very lonely and scary experience with Jimmy away on business,
but without being asked, my Mum was there for me and my children. 
Words aren't enough for all she's done. 
Thank you, Mum, for loving my boys as much as I do.
(These pictures were taken about 7 years ago with Andrew. Time flies.)

2. I have sketched out detailed decorating plans for things I didn't know needed decorating like our family room and master bedroom.   I made an inspiration board for the FR just for fun (and to help distract myself from the horror of shows like "Yo Gabba Gabba"), I found lamps for the living room (oh my, they are soo pretty, I can't wait to show you!!), developed fabric obsessions, and contemplated where to hang new art
(I won the paintings and the bird prints at auction!!) .

Inspiration & Ideas For A Few Family Room Changes

3.  I have been fantasizing about eating an entire 12 inch skillet of herbed baked fontina
(thank you, Ina), with a crusty baguette and a glass of good red wine.
I WILL make it happen this weekend.
And  if it's good, I'll share the recipe with you.

4. I discovered I can skip meals for several days and not lose a pound. (maybe this explains point #3)

5. This week has been plum miserable, but I still have tremendous gratitude.  Gratitude that I am able to care for my children at home, rather than the hospital (although the way Andrew's cough is going, that might be our next stop), that Jimmy was here for the worst night, that Charlie is happy to lay in my arms all day, and that my couch has washable covers.  

6. Peaking out my windows it appears spring has finally arrived in southern Ohio. We might still have the heat on but there are buds everywhere!  Maybe soon we'll be able to venture out and enjoy it.

Stay healthy!!  I look forward catching up on your posts soon!
Thanks for visiting!


Wanna be Neighbors?


Lemon, Basil & White Bean Pasta