
Last week, Amy R. from Plain & Fancy Living awarded me a Stylish Blogger Award.
Really? Moi? Stylish?
Have you seen this girl's house?

Thank you, Amy!
I appreciate the kind words.
I am very grateful for ALL of you that take time to read my blog.
I'm always a bit surprised that anyone besides my Mum does.
But getting to know you through your comments and your blogs makes
this whole online journaling experience so much more fun!

As part of "accepting" the award I am supposed to share 7
random facts about myself.

1. I have worn the same perfume since I was 15.

2. I'd choose a night at home with my hubs enjoying a good bottle of wine,
great take-out, and a movie over going to a party any time. 


3. I rarely wear jeans - though I like how they look.
I am a dress, skirt, tights, leggings wearing kinda of girl.

4. My wedding flowers were sweet peas, peonies and roses. 
I almost named this blog Sweet Peas & Peonies.

5. I like rainy days.  Maybe this is related to #2 and could be summarized as
I AM HAPPIEST AT HOME, a nicer way of saying homebody.

6. I am not a big fan of apparel and accessories that are smattered with logos.
(though I love Coach bags, just without all the Cs)

7. I am completely infatuated with homes built in the 1920s.

Now I am supposed to tag other "stylish bloggers."
ALL of you are in my opinion.
Whether you are amazing designers, fabulous mothers,
great cooks, incredible photographers, inspirational writers,
funny gals or some combination of these things.
So all of you consider yourselves tagged!!
Random Fact #8 - I stink at keeping chain letteresque things going...
Have a great weekend!! And thanks, Amy R.!!

images: Dress - Anthro, Inspiration Board - Post Cards & Pretties (that is not my wedding), House- Martha

Hanging On


In the Kitchen