Happy Thoughts & Pretty Rooms

warmington north traditional kitchen
(via Houzz)

Well aren't you all the most supportive bunch?!!
Thanks for getting me yesterday and not thinking I'd fallen off the deep end.

(via Canadian House & Home)
Today my heart is lighter. 
So we have a tougher day here and there. I know I'm not alone.
No matter, there is no replacing the joy my boys bring me EVERYDAY.

Charlie's new song "ho, ho, ho, pirate ship me" he sings it over & over.
Today in gym class he picked up a cone, turned megaphone, and performed it for an audience.
This child used to be shy.

(via Costal Living)

Andrew telling me today, "Mama you know just how to make everything better."
Really? How did you know I needed that?  Boys. They love their Mamas.

(via Cote de Texas)
Charlie's mispronunciation of "fork", "fix" and the placement of the letter F in "firetruck". 
All used with great frequency, all sounding like a far less desirable 4 letter word starting with F. 
 I only laugh to myself.

(via Pinecone)

Watching my boys together. The way Charlie runs to Andrew's room first thing every morning. 
The way C imitates his older brother (not always good, but always cute),
the way Andrew affectionately calls him "Stinky Pete" .

(via Canadian House & Home)

Have a wonderful Friday and weekend! 
I've got a busy day tomorrow, I'll be back next week.

PS. If you are straining trying to figure out how these pics are in anyway related to my post.  Stop. 
They aren't.  Just felt like adding something pretty along with happy thoughts!

Table for 1, please


Hanging On