Our House: The Playroom

Several months ago we set out to create a play space for the boys.

The challenge
Keep it consistent with the rest of our downstairs
because it is also the room guests go in to use the bathroom AND
it will eventually be their homework room/study when they are a bit older. 
Also try not to spend much and re-purpose what we have.

The Inspiration
What To Copy:
 Natural fiber rug, baskets for storage, large scale brown & white fabric as focal point, muted color scheme, a few monograms mixed in, a chalkboard with antique frame,
some painted furniture and modern lighting.

Our room is down a little hallway off the kitchen.
We believe it was originally the maid's quarters.
We used it as a guest room first, but felt it would better serve us as a playroom,
The shelves with the toys & books were a discard from a neighbor.
They once belonged in a wine shop.
They had a beadboard back that we removed
 because the walls already have tongue & groove boards.
I gave them a fresh coat of paint & mounted them to the wall.
They happen to be the exact same length.
Meant to be, no?
The boys have distressed them.
Getting them in was difficult because they barely fit through the narrow hallway.
I cannot show you the narrow hallway b/c all the junk
I moved out of the way to take these pictures is in there.
The table was another neighbor discard.
I did nothing to it. I mean, I thoroughly cleaned it, but that's all.

We replaced the overhead light with an inexpensive lantern.
And bought a pair of orangey lamps. That I likely wouldn't use anywhere else, but are fun in here.
I framed a couple favorite pieces of Andrew's artwork from last year.
I will continue to frame more to fill up the blank wall that I did not photograph.
Hands down my favorite artwork in the house!
We had new curtains made and they puddle a little on the floor.
They were made by my fabulous seamstress.
If you are in the Cincinnati area and want her info, just email me.
I've worked with her for many years and she always exceeds expectations!

 We added a new rug.  The color of dirt for obvious reasons.
And turned an old antique mirror into a chalkboard.
We are still waiting on bamboo shades for the windows and we need to paint the kids chairs.
This room gets a ton of light.
Though you wouldn't know it from these pics.
I'm having fun playing with a new flash I got as a Bday present. (thanks, Dad)
The room gets used ALOT.
Next time I'll take some pics in the daylight and I'll show my favorite part - the craft closet!!
Oh, and the burlap wreath - I made from the leftover tablecloth I used for
Charlie's bday using this Jones Design tutorial.  Love, love, love Emily's projects!!

Brown Paper Packages Tied Up With String...


It's My Birthday!