It's My Birthday!

I will be celebrating with my little guys
and my Mum and Dad.
My big guy will be in Dallas for a meeting.

In honor of my birthday, I thought I'd share a few of my favorite things.
Cue the music - raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles...
(which is also a favorite movie of mine)
1. My family and friends of course!
 I have the greatest parents,
a younger brother who makes me very proud,
a sweet husband who still winks at me and tells me I smell pretty,
2 gorgeous little boys who make my heart melt,
and 4 forever friends ( Mindy, Alyssa, Sarah & Jen)
 who totally get me. 
I can't imagine life without anyone of them

2. A perfect cup of tea to start and end my day, with milk, no sugar, thank you. 
Unless I'm eating chocolate, in that case,
 a nice cappuccino with some sugar in the raw and a little sprinkle of cocoa on top.

3. New England towns & general stores. The ocean. Lobster rolls. 
4. Transferware
5. Checked fabric & floral & toile, don't care if it's in or out.

6. A good book. Preferably in front of the fire, on a rainy day, with my feet up, wearing a cozy sweater & leggings, maybe with a short little nap to follow.

7. Old houses filled with character, creaky wood floors, where it smells like something good is baking in the kitchen and children's artwork hangs on cupboards.
8. Climbing into a freshly made bed of soft, clean white sheets, smelling like lavender.
Which is where I'm heading now.

I planned to post 10 things, but I'm getting sleepy.

Have a wonderful day and enjoy something sweet for me!

Our House: The Playroom


A little of this and a little of that...