You'll want to bookmark this one...

Birthday parties are a big deal in our home.  I've had so much fun in the past dreaming, planning, and creating parties for my boys.  Well, mostly for Andrew, since Charlie's only had one.  For years Andrew was all about dressing up so each party included dress up clothes for the kids - pirates, knights, explorers.  This year will be the first time we aren't giving Andrew a big themed party.  He opted for a vacation to Legoland instead.  We had been thinking about this for a while and decided now is probably the time to go.  Truthfully, I kinda miss all the preparations.  Tonight,  I came across this new blog all about children's party ideas.  For all my dear friends who've suggested I start my own party planning business in the past, please take and look at this blog and you'll know why I didn't.  My little ideas pale in comparison (though Andrew thinks he has the greatest parties in the world and that's all the matters. Charlie's too young to know the difference.)  You can bet I will be going here for inspiration in the future. Incredible!

  All images from Hip, Hip Hooray

Is there a doctor in the house?


Grey, Gray