Mayberry with a Starbucks

When I started this little blog a couple months ago, my intention had been to blog about my little town.  I haven't done much of that yet since I'm pretty certain the only people reading are my dear friends, neighbors and family and all of you know it pretty well here.
But today I was reminded how much I love living where I do. 

I love the tree lined streets.
I love that I can run errands with my boys on our bikes.
I love that there are regulations in place that protect homes from being torn down and rebuilt.
I love that we have have an ice cream shop (a really good one), where I sat watching my boys swing their legs under the table today as they enjoyed their afternoon treat - strawberry sorbet for C,
and chocolate ice cream with chocolate sprinkles for Andrew.
I love that my neighbors tell me to hurry over and clip as many of their hydrangea blooms as I like before this first round of blooming is past its peak.

and we have a Starbucks!

July 4th

