Spring Dress Round Up

It's been a very long time since I blogged.  Right now we should be in CA visiting colleges and hiking through Malibu.  However, the world seems to have turned upside down and no one can manage to make it through an hour without mentioning the coronavirus.  We are staying home. School is likely canceled for the remainder of the year.  Well, not canceled, but we will be conducting school from home.  There is so much uncertainty and so many unknowns.  Posting about my favorite spring dresses feels a bit odd, but also surprisingly normal, and I think we are all craving a little normalcy.  We are still allowed to feel pretty!  We can still shop online! We can all use an in-the-mail-pick-me-up to look forward to!  I ordered a beautiful blouse a couple days ago and I can't wait to receive it (I'll share that when it arrives)  I also ordered Vitamin D supplements (to make up for the heavy doses of sun we aren't getting) and a mega pack of water balloons (to entertain Charlie outside since he can't play with friends), so it's a mixed bag my friends.   When I polled on instagram about receptivity to a frivolous post like this, the overwhelming majority of you said yes, please!  So here it is.  A round up of things that have caught my eye and things that I have purchased.  I might even be brave enough (maybe) to try a few on and show you on instagram.  Do I even own a full length mirror?  I don't think so. Hahaha. I'll have to see what I can come up with...

Will be ordering this one too!  On sale right now and super flattering color and style.  Ruffles and bows with a pretty cut out in the back.


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Whew!  That's all for now! I also have some pretty tops, but I'll save that for another post!


My 10 Favorite Sources for Block Print Tablecloths


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