Inspiration | Book Recommendation | Positively Chic Interiors

Happy 2018!  I've been easing into the new year rather slowly.  We've had the longest stretch of freezing cold weather that I can remember.  We were actually excited to see a high of 30 this weekend, though it still felt bitterly cold with the wind.  Today the kids are out of school because of icy roads.

I took the entire month of December off from client work and while I've started back up again, I'm still sticking to a very part time schedule.  I need opportunities for gathering fresh inspiration and day dreaming so I can help others create more beautiful homes.  While I will always favor effortlessly classic style, I don't want to feel like my recommendations become a formula.  I want each project to be fresh and exciting for both me and my clients! Which is a very long winded way of saying design books are a necessity for me!  I refer back to favorites often from designers whose work I admire.  I just bought a new one last week, Carrier and Company's Positively Chic Interiors, and it's destined to be a new favorite.   They have a pretty broad range of styles and I gravitate to those that are more traditional and cozy, versus streamlined and minimalistic, but there is plenty in the book that I love.  It's a good one to pick up to get you through some lazy winter days in front of the fireplace!  Here is a little peek...

^^ I've always loved this fabric!  Would love to use it in a project this year!^^


Inspiration | Mark Cunningham | Martha's Vineyard


Christmas 2017