Inspiration | A Place to Call Home | Book Review

I spent a good portion of the last few days taking in the latest book from Gil Schafer, A Place to Call Home (yes, the exact same title as the new James Farmer book.  I know several of you have noticed that too.  A little publisher oopsie-daisy especially having them both come out at the same time).  Schafer's first book is one of my all time favorites, so this one was highly anticipated and every bit as inspiring as his first. He a master at building classic homes that evoke warmth and an instant sense of history.  The exteriors are perfect, the kind of homes you have to stop and stare at when passing by, and the interiors are so welcoming you would never want to leave.

Here are a just a few of my favorites from the book...

The most beautifully scaled entrance with a gravel driveway to boot.

I want this to be my home office + design studio


Mismatched and collected.  It feels like this room came together without any prescription or adherence to decorating "rules" yet it all works perfectly.  A testament to buying what you love and not over thinking any one item too much.

There are an abundance of the MOST charming bathrooms in this book.

That bench!

 My favorite kind of country style (and a peek at another charming bathroom with the red wallpaper)


Recipe | Shaved Brussel Sprout Salad with Hazelnut Crunch


Our Home | Country House Style | The Book