Family | Nantucket Summer 2016

We just returned from a glorious week in Nantucket.  We were spoiled with spectacular weather, because I know traveling there in June can be iffy.  Truly, our trip was everything I could possibly want in a vacation, lots of quality time spent relaxing and exploring with my little family, incredible food, quaint surroundings and plenty of sea air!   Can I just say how much I miss the smell of the ocean now that we are back?  We stayed in the idyllic seaside village of Sconset again.  It remains my very favorite part of the island and we spent the bulk of our time there.  We ate at all 4 of the restaurants in town and picked up lots of fresh baguettes from the market and wine from the corner wine shop.  The shell lined streets smelled heavy of roses and honeysuckle and I admired every tiny garden and carefully planted window box whenever I passed by.  There are grander homes on the outskirts of Socnset, but my favorite are the little fishing shacks built in the 1800's that have been turned into beach cottages, with their slightly sagging roof lines and crooked exteriors.  I was lucky enough to go on a tour of 6 cottages in Cod Fish Park (an area I wasn't familiar with from last trip) on our last day in town.  

Our days started pretty early as far as a vacation goes, the early sunrises get you going! We took long walks every morning on the bluff or the beach.  We ate breakfast on the pretty brick patio of our rental with the french doors flung wide open, sometimes those breakfasts included warm cinnamon rolls or muffins from the Sconset Market that we would pick up for the kids on our way home from our walk, other times doughnuts (the cinnamon and sugar are the best) from the Downy Flake that Jimmy would grab after an early morning golfing.  (The best baked goods are still from Wicked Island Bakery though.)  We spent our days on the beach or exploring downtown. We climbed to the top of Sankaty Lighthouse on the clearest day and saw for miles, we picked wildflowers, celebrated Father's Day, peeked in homes that still looked empty for the season, drank HUGE iced lattes, filled ourselves with lobster, enjoyed midday cocktails (that might have just been me ;)), made many trips to the Juice Bar for ice cream in homemade waffle cones, had a perfect sunset picnic at Madaket, and devoted some time to better acquainting ourselves with the island's history.  If I had to pick a highlight or favorite day, I couldn't.  Our boys are at the perfect age for travel and we are so grateful for the time spent here, together.  This trip is one for the memory books! 

I instagrammed (over grammed. sorry, not sorry) a ton of photos in case you want to see more.  Hashtag: #foleyACK2014 

Thanks for letting me share!

^^ Our little cottage for the week.  Tiny but perfect. ^^

^^Daily bike rides in Sconset were a favorite of mine.  Look long sleeves in JUNE!^^

 ^^C loved the new Sconset playground!!^^ 


^^Prettiest sunset on Madaket beach^^

^^We took some self timer pics.  This was one of many "silly with props" photos that the boys requested. I love that they are perfectly spaced with only a few seconds to grab bike and beach chair before shot went off.

^^Football, baseball and baseball gloves all got heavy use.^^

^^Just thankful that the "jumping off lifeguard chair to catch football game" didn't result in trip to hospital. ^^

^^Photo by Charlie^^

^^From Cod Fish Park tour^^

^^Boys Club^^

^^my favorite spot in the cottage.^^

^^Taken by Charlie.  One of my favorite pics of the trip.  Maybe he takes after my Dad with his camera skills!^^


Recipe | Watermelon and Shrimp summer salad


Plans for a master bedroom | beds with canopies