October + Halloween In Pictures

Was this not the most spectacular October?!  The foliage was especially stunning (or is it this good every year and I just forget?), the days were sunny and the mornings and evenings were chilly enough for fires, hot chocolate and spiced lattes.  Every morning Charlie and I bike to school and I always think the same thing, can it get any prettier?  Is this town for real? I am so very grateful to live where I do and to experience an October like we just did.  Pictures and words do it no justice.  Jimmy and I had planned to steal away to Massachusetts for a weekend but canceled and I'm so glad we did.  October here is my favorite and it already goes by far too quickly, I don't want to miss any of it.  Plus our weekends are filled with soccer and football, also things I hate to miss.  Fall getaways will have to be saved for many years from now and that is fine by me.     I am sad that the vibrancy of October can't last longer, but I suppose that's part of the magic, right?  And hey,  it's still Autumn, with Thanksgiving to look forward to (I'm hosting again), many more days of falling leaves (and raking!  oh, the the never ending raking!), crunchy leaf walks,  pumpkin spiced desserts and scented candles - so, welcome November!

I snapped a few pictures throughout the month and many last night (why can't Halloween always fall on a Saturday?).  Here are a few snippets from around our village and home...

^^Homecoming parade in the beginning of the month. Charlie is in the front row, waving at everyone but me, so this was the best I could get. ^^
^^ Jimmy jokes that I take this same image every year, but how can I not? ;) ^^
^^ stone walk and gate to village cemetery ^^

^ The evening of Charlie's 7th birthday, we went to watch the High School football game where Andrew played in the halftime show in a combined Junior and Senior High band performance.  It was a fun night.  Charlie got sick the following day (3:00 AM in the morning to be exact...) and we had to cancel his party plans, so I'll wait till the rescheduled celebration to post pics and talk about his special day. Hopefully, illness free next time...^^

^^ We bike past this tree every morning and Charlie and I love watching it change color and start to lose its leaves.  Such a beauty. ^^
  ^^ Halloween!^^
^^ Homemade caramel popcorn and hard cider for our friends that went trick or treating with us.  Kids did not drink the hard cider, only the parents!!  But they did eat the popcorn.  Ha.
Popcorn recipe here, Printable tags here ^^
^^ Before the school Halloween Parade on Friday ^^
^^ Andrew playing trumpet in the parade, wearing pieces of a recycled patriot costume ^^
^^ The first graders making their way down the street ^^

^^ Before trick or treat.  Charlie and I spent 2 days after school carving these pumpkins.  He was such an enthusiastic helper this year.  My skin might be dyed a permanent shade or orange. ^^

^^ Football player, ninja, business man, and Abe ^^
^^ A couple phone pics of our pumpkins - C and I loved them so much! :) ^^


Thanksgiving Menu + Game Plan


A Saturday Country Drive + Apple Picking