Let the Teen Years Begin | Andrew turns 13!
I am officially the mom of a teen! Get out! It's crazy, isn't it?! On August 9th, Andrew turned 13! It is insane that in 3 years he will have a driver's license and in 5 more he will be an adult. I know time has moved fast, but the next 6 years are going to fly. Junior High is barely a blip and then it's over, high school is so focused on the lead up to college, basically his childhood is a distant memory and it happened in no time. On one side I'm begging time to slow down while on the other, I'm so incredibly excited for what lies ahead and just love watching the young man Andrew is turning into.
I don't write too many personal posts about Andrew anymore, out of respect for his privacy, but this milestone called for a little hoopla and some well deserved praise. He's just such a good kid (I mean teen.. :)). Jimmy and I often say we would choose to spend time with him even if he wasn't our son because he is great company - and I think that is a pretty cool stage to be in as parents!
^^ He was so honored to be featured on the district webpage recently^^
....Also, as part of his birthday presents (really more for me than him, since he was fine with things the way they were) I'm updating his bedroom. I hadn't touched it since he was four and it was high time to bring in some order and masculine elements. Out with any remaining white furniture, the red corduroy curtains, and the horrible Mad Men era overhead light and in with some timeless antiques, bamboo shades, classic lighting and new art. A big change was adding a full wall of open shelving to display Lego. I 'm a big believer in letting children's rooms (no matter what their age) reflect the interests of the child. Where I would rather hang a nautical painting, Andrew prefers a Star Wars movie poster - done. I've made an effort to fill the space with items and art that mean something to him and he's had a heavy hand in all the decisions. He loves the Cape Cod map and antique rug! (He has good taste!) I'll share all sources, paint colors, etc. when I blog about the room. Till then, here is an inspiration board I made for him so he understood the overall feeling and direction the room was heading. He's an awesome client! :)