Halloween in Pictures

Happy November all!  I'm downloading pictures from last night and typing this post while I sit in front of a fire and watch snowflakes fall outside.  The memory of last year's brutally cold and long winter is still a little too fresh and I'm absolutely not ready to let go of autumn yet.  While we had a pretty spectacular October, the forecast yesterday just wasn't ideal.  It rained all day, making Andrew's outdoor haunted trail impossible and forcing the sweet elementary school parade indoors.  The children were all smiles and didn't seem to mind in the least that pictures were being snapped in the gym instead of the beautiful tree-lined streets of our village.  Thankfully the rain stopped just in time for trick-or-treat and held off the rest of the evening.  Umbrellas and Halloween costumes don't mix well!  My boys and I managed to create a "haunted hallway" inside our home that was equally fun and a little spooky.   So all's well that ends well!  Here are a few pictures from our day...

 ^^ Charlie and I made sugar cookies the day before Halloween.  He was in charge of embellishments.  I used this recipe for cookies and icing - still my favorite!  We packaged up a few to share with teachers and friends! ^^

 ^^ Amazing Proton-Pack made by our dear friend, Matt.  I had planned a DIY post, I think I will save it for next year though since costume making is no longer on anyone's mind for a while. ;) ^^

 ^^ Who you gonna call?  This guy with ketchup on his face from lunch?! ;) ^^

 ^^ Rapping Grandpop was Andrew's make-the-night-before Halloween costume this year.  The costume was just for the parade at school.  He didn't trick or treat, just worked on scaring others in our Haunted Hallway!^^

 ^^ What could be cuter?"

 ^^ I wasn't able to get inside pictures because it was too dark, but here is the lead in, all created by Andrew + Charlie.  They get free rein of Halloween, so long as I get Christmas.^^

Hope your Halloween was filled with lots of treats and a few (spooky) tricks. :)

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Recipe | Warm Goat Cheese, Fig + Hazelnut Salad