Inspiration | Pretty Hampton's Home

Yesterday, we spent the afternoon exploring a fabulous new playground in the sweltering heat and humidity we are experiencing this week in an attempt to squeeze in a few more summertime activities before the boys head off to school tomorrow.   While Andrew was conquering climbing a rope tower and C was off playing Power Rangers with a group of new friends, I took a peek at my phone and just about squealed at the sight of this wonderful, cozy, and fresh Hampton's vacation home.  I think it actually cooled me down for a hot second!   I couldn't wait to pull it up later on my computer and get a better look.

It has been AGES since I've seen a home in a magazine where I'm compelled to pin pretty much every single shot so when I stumbled on this Sag Harbor home I got very excited.   I'm saving the images for that day when we are able to buy and decorate our vacation home in New England.  ;)

The home was featured in the latest issue of Lonny.  You can read all about it here. Enjoy.

^^ the wood table, counters and beams look so good against all the creamy white ^^

^^ I love the way crisp white walls and trim look in photos, but I think the only way I could make that work for us is in a coastal home.  Blue and white always works. ^^

^^Nautical painting, antique table, basket + topiary = perfect styling!^^

Check out the entire article here, all 21 images are gorgeous!  My minions are stirring so it's time to shut the laptop for the day for me.  Back soon.  Lots more consistent blogging (plans at least) in the near future! :)


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Happy 12th Birthday, Andrew!