Last Day of School

A few weeks ago Charlie graduated from preschool.  Walking out of the building for the last time was such an emotional and symbolic moment for me.  For 12 years I've had a little shadow each day during the week, it feels surreal that those days are behind me and both boys will be in school all day next year.  I'm so grateful that his preschool years were such good ones, he made so many friends and many happy memories.  I can only hope he loves Kindergarten just as much.

 ^^ first day on left, last day on right ^^

^^ We need to work a bit on graduation day attire.  I had nothing to do with his ensemble.^^

Friday was Andrew's last day of 5th grade.  I'm now the mom of a 6th grader!!  Thankfully, 6th grade is still elementary in our district so he will be able to watch out for his little brother next year.  Andrew said a tearful goodbye to his favorite teacher, after she showered him with some of the greatest compliments you could ever hope to hear from a teacher.  I was thankful I was wearing sunglasses because I couldn't help but tear up as my heart swelled with pride.  There are many good teachers but every now and then you get a truly exceptional one that not only recognizes but appreciates and elevates your child's creativity and talents in a way that leaves a permanent impact. 

   ^^ first day on left, last day on right ^^

Photos from Our Weekend in Chicago


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