My Son, The Film Maker

This weekend Andrew shared his latest short, stop motion film at his school's talent show, receiving  roaring applause and appreciation.  Safe to say, he felt like a rock star.  It was once again a really great night for him and his adoring fan club (of which, I am reining president, in case you wondered. ;)).

Andrew has always had a very deep desire to make others laugh,  channeling it in the right way hasn't always been easy.  Trying to be the funny man in class was not the best route.  Making films has given him an outlet to share both his sense of humor and imagination.  It is a tedious affair, this business of stop motion animation, and I marvel at his patience and dedication to see through his ideas.   (I wish those same traits were applied to math homework, but for now, I'll take comfort knowing he has them in him.)  I believe creativity is a gift to be nurtured and fueled just as much as athleticism or intelligence.  As a parent, I will do all I can to expose him to new experiences and opportunities that will stretch him creatively.  I can only hope that his desire to create and entertain remain a passion throughout his life, whether it is through film or other avenues.  Enjoy his latest work.  (oh, hey, Lego Movie makers?!  need an extra hand on that sequel?  in addition to being fan club president, I'm also his manager... :))


Signs of Springs | Pirate Scavenger Hunt


Inspiration | California Farmhouse with East Coast Architecture