Snowy Days in Our Village

For the second time in the last week I hopped out of bed early enough to see the sun coming up and was completely awe struck at how magnificent the sunrise looked in the frozen sky, the way it illuminated the bare branches of the trees.  Like watching brush strokes of a painting.  On both occasions, I grabbed my jacket, camera and boots before I even had a chance to put on socks or change out of my pajamas.  Today was especially glorious because we had a snow fall the day before.  I begged and coerced Jimmy to take a very early morning walk around the block to admire the beauty with me.  He's not a morning person (I asked before he'd had his first cup of coffee, I should know better) nor is he a lover of chilly weather but he did it and it was lovely, cold, but lovely.

The last couple days our afternoons have been filled with snowman (or snow blob? you be the judge.) making, fort building and sledding.  The temperatures are about to dip into the single digits so I wanted to make sure we got in our share of snow play before it became unbearably and dangerously cold.  I took a few pictures each day. It is amazing how beautiful and different the streets look both mid-storm versus on a calm, clear, blue sky day, both equally enchanting, both equally fairytale like.  I'm so grateful to live where we do and I appreciate it every. single. day.


^^ a few big snowflakes inside too, in the form of vanilla marshmallows ^^

^^ pictures from during the snow storm. for the record, that was a walk I took alone. ha. ^^

^^I love seeing the flag flying against all the white ^^

^^ the village chapel^^

^^Goldilocks and the Three Bears or maybe Grandmother's house from Little Red Riding Hood? :)^^

A little snip-it of a wild afternoon of sledding...  I swear the trees weren't quite as close as they look... Not the best video, but it was the BEST hill!

Sledding from tessa on Vimeo.

A Bumpy Start to 2014


Christmas Brunch Menu | Table Setting | Recipe for Baked Pecan French Toast with Berry Syrup