My Christmas Wish List

I'm pretty sure I've expressed how much I truly dislike making a wish list to give to someone, yet each year there are those couple people that I love very much (hello Mum + Jimmy!) that continue to request one and every year I hem and haw over it.  I don't mind making hypothetical wish lists on the blog just for fun but handing over a list to someone has always felt a little awkward to me.  I used to drive my mother-in-law crazy because I never gave her one, I just couldn't do it.  Now I completely understand why people ask for one, because they love me and want to buy something that will make me happy and I will enjoy.  I know because I ask the same of my boys (And my husband.  I have double standards, I know.)  For the record, Charlie has requested an Alpaca or an Alpaca sweater (in off-white, so he can be just a cuddly as a real Alpaca) and a paintball gun that doesn't really shoot paint balls but looks and sounds like one, only in a kid-like version (Santa can make anything, Mom!)  and Andrew has requested Lego sets that are launching on December 29th - perfect.

I happen to love giving and receiving surprise gifts (I'm the guest who never buys off the wedding registry!) and my most favorite gifts have usually been those I never even thought to wish for, but I know it is so difficult to find that perfect gift and to struggle through searching + shopping this time of year just isn't fun - for anyone. Soooo, begrudgingly, I made a list.  A list of lovely things that I would adore but probably not buy for myself because I honestly don't need them and they might feel a smidgen indulgent if I treated myself for no reason.  What a prelude, Tessa, get on with it!  Sorry, others must feel this way about list making, right?!! Without further adieu,  here's what's on "my list" this year, and probably most every other year because I tend to like the same things...

red tote/long lusted after book/start a new china collection to match my Mum's which I should have registered for when I got married but I chose another pattern and still regret it/blue and white pottery new or old, new is cheaper though/antique bread boards, sorry, no link here, have to scour antique stores/etsy/ebay but they gotta be old/pewter pitchers and creamers, I'd like to start a small collection (also like my Mum, I'm turning into my mother!!) but I would prefer antiques, again sorry, not so helpful, no link/monogrammed table linens, I love these but they don't make an F.  So, while I have a link it isn't all that helpful.  Tell me again how much I stink at list making.../ mandarin tote, cause I need (er, would like) a new bag but I don't need two, just giving options here, and I'm not such a fan of brand names and logos on my bags either (picky-picky) but the Michael Kors bag is a great size and style so maybe I could just cut off the dangling MK thingy.  Is that dreadful?

Happy shopping! 

lately | in phone pictures


Happy Thanksgiving