How to Make Cute Packaging Labels | Step by Step Video Tutorial

^^these were made last week for my photoshoot guests!^^

Let me first preface this post by saying I have ZERO graphic design training or skills.  Zip, Zilch, Zero.  I know there is a vast blogging community that specializes in this sort of thing and I'm probably embarrassing myself with this post but I get so many questions about how to make cute labels that I thought I would share my method for all of us non-desgin savvy types that just want to create pretty, personalized packages.  I don't use any design software, just Pages for Mac (you can do a lot of the same things on Word).  I have never followed any tutorials, I'm more of a learn as you go kinda gal.  I have tried emailing step by step instructions to people before and it doesn't seem to be all that helpful, so I'm hoping a video might do the trick.  Let me know if you try.

Step 1: Find Inspiration.  It is so much easier to "copy" another label that you love than try to create your own from scratch.  I don't go for an exact duplicate, but rather something with the same feel.  Take note of how different fonts and illustrations are combined, how letters are spaced, how different sized fonts are used, etc.

^^ For example:  The feel of this inspiration label is homemade + rustic (my favorite combination, for the record.). They use two fonts that both look handwritten and a simple sprig graphic.^^

Step 2:  Search for fonts.  My favorite font website is  There is also a load of inspiration + links for free fonts via Pinterest.  Learn how to download and install a font on your computer.  Macs make this a super simple process.  Click and drag to your font folder and you are set.  Below is a list of the fonts I used in the video tutorial.  Here is a link to the graphics I used.

Step 3: Design! Play around with your text.  Watch my video below to see how I do it.  The more you do it, the easier it gets and the better your labels get too.  I typically print on kraft, white or off white cardstock.  Occasionally, I'll use adhesive backed sheets like I did here for class treats.

Here is the video.  That I filmed myself.  On my phone.  While typing. You may feel a little dizzy after watching. There are a few glitches (I may say "look for the round circle" at one point, yeah, brilliant tutorial). You get the idea.  It ain't pretty, but hopefully it's helpful!  Happy label making!

Label Making from tessa on Vimeo.

(sources for supplies in the first image: kraft boxes from Everyday Occasions, ribbon from Container Store)


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