Visiting the Pumpkin Patch

It's a cold and rainy Sunday morning and I'm pretty sure the rest of my family thinks I'm still asleep (we had Charlie's birthday party yesterday (pics later this week!!) and we all know how Mamas feel after birthday parties!) so I'm going to sneak in a quick post from our trip to the farm on Friday... Be prepared, both my Dad and I had cameras on the trip so there are A LOT of photos.  (His are the perfectly focused, gorgeous color shots, mine are the slightly over exposed ones. Ha)

About 10 minutes from our house sits the most pristine organic, working farm.  I've blogged about my love of Turner Farm before and with each visit I'm just as grateful to have such a treasure so close.  That my children know that there is still the option to stop in a little garden shed to pick up fresh eggs, a pint of just picked berries or apples still warm from the sun, while chickens putter around us on the grass and gravel.  It also teaches them to appreciate the change in offerings depending on the season, something you don't really understand when going to the grocery store.  It's the sort of place I can imagine Ina going to pick up her chicken for Jeffrey's Friday night dinner! :)

I recently discovered, through one of my best friends, thank you, Meghan!!) that if you organize a group they will take you on a 1.5 hour tour of the farm, complete with turnip picking, feeding the sheep and a pumpkin patch visit. So we organized a group of friends (and my parents!!) for a visit.  It was a really glorious day.  Enjoy the pictures!!


Cowboy Birthday Party | Charlie Turns F-I-V-E


Travel | Girl's Weekend in the Big Apple | My Recommendations