After School Apple Picking

After preschool today we headed out for the most quintessential of fall adventures - apple picking! (ok, maybe pumpkin farms and hayrides are number one, but apple picking has to be a close second...) Would you believe I've never been?  There just aren't any orchards in Cincinnati that let you pick your own apples but luckily my girlfriend knew of a u-pick farm that wasn't too far away (maybe 50 minutes outside of the city) so we were game.  It was picture perfect weather.  I was maybe a smidgen too chilly with my bare arms, but in the sun it was gorgeous.  We pretty much had the orchard to ourselves so our little peeps picked and nibbled and picked and nibbled to their hearts content.  We brought home more than 20 pounds of apples between the five of us.  I'd say pies, crisps, and apple sauce are all in our near future!!  (maybe some apple muffins and butter too...)

(yep, bag on head. nice, charlie, really nice.)


Travel | Girl's Weekend in the Big Apple | My Recommendations


My Autumn Wish List