Summer Road Trip to the "Big City"

Finally, school is out for both boys!  Thursday was the first real day of summer vacation and we spent it driving to Chicago {aka "the Big City," as my nephew, Carter, calls it} to visit my brother and his family.  I promise the boys had an absolutely fantastic time with their cousins, don't be deceived by their delightful smiling faces in the above photo.  Ha ha!!  I took over 600 photos and would love to share a glimpse of our time together here on the blog.  Thanks for looking.

The beaches along the North Shore of Chicago are really beautiful! We had such fun playing in the sand and the boys had fun testing their courage and tolerance for the freezing water.

After lunch and ice cream, the Dads came back from golfing and we returned to beach.  This time Charlie and Carter quickly ditched their clothes and played fearlessly, with abandon.  Cold water?  What cold water?    I, however, went nowhere near the water.  I sat warm and happy on a towel snapping pictures!  I'm wimpy until it is really hot out!

{they sat like this for ages and screamed each time a wave rolled in.}

On Saturday we ventured into the Big City for little shopping, eating and sight seeing.  My boys thought the train ride was pretty cool and by the end our day downtown they were masters at hailing cabs and could tell you the proper toppings for a Chicago Style dog! {I ate my first! It was so good!}

{We stopped at the farmer's market by the train station while we waited for our train to arrive.}

{Do-Rite Donuts.  If in Chicago you must go.  You must order a vanilla bean glazed. Period.  I'm still dreaming about it. }

{I had one store that I wanted to visit.  We are in the market for a new family room sofa.  I have been leaning toward one from Quatrine after several friends raved about theirs, but I didn't want to buy a couch without sitting on it first, especially when it costs a pretty penny.  My gang clearly made themselves right at home.  And they tried every sofa in the showroom!  They didn't all get a thumbs up...}

I thank my brother and his wife, Toni, so much for opening up their beautiful home to us for several days and planning such fun outings so our children can make really special memories together!  They had the best time and look forward to visiting each summer!!  They think their uncle is pretty cool too...

We headed back to Ohio on Father's Day {just what every Dad wants for Father's Day - 5 hours of driving!!  In a car with two kids!}  But before we hit the highway we drove a little further north to Lake Forest to explore a new town and grab a yummy brunch {Truthfully, I was really craving another Do-Rite donut!}.  Lake Forest is absolutely charming!  And the homes {THE HOMES!} are pretty spectacular!

Till next summer!  We love you, Chicago!


Chocolate + Raspberry + Vanilla Buttercream Layer Cake


Fresh Picked Strawberry Recipes